Monday, February 23, 2009

Things that make you go hmmm...

I'm laying in here in bed when I really should be going to sleep, but sleep doesnt come easy for me at night just simply because I lay here and try to make every sound possible freak me out. But as I am sitting here I have been thinking about what someone said to me the other day at Wal-Mart. I was asked "How do you do it with a sick child". My answer to them was...I have always wanted to be a mother and God knew that I would be able to handle it otherwise he wouldn't have made me a mother. Having a sick child is no different than any other child, you still care for them the same way you would any other, you just get to care and love on them just alittle bit more. Having a child in the home with medical conditions does have its moments but our children still smile, babble, laugh and steal our hearts just like the next. Landon has given me more strength that days and days of working out at a gym could ever have given me. When he smiles that beautiful toothless smile I know just how close I came to never getting to see that smile and it just makes me fall even more in love with him. Landon is pretty in love with his momma too!!!! Just ask anyone in the family! Ok so enough about that....

We went today to get our montly synagis shot and as Aunt LuLu calls him....Our little Piggly Wiggly weighed 15lbs 8.5oz. It's hard to believe he is already 6months and weighing that much. If his cousin JD doesn't get on the ball Landon is going to pass him in the weight department. Landon is already wearing his clothes that JD wears now! Our 6month pictures couldn't have went any better. If you remember when we went for our 3mon pictures, Landon was put in Vandy the same day so I was nervous going in hopes that history did not repeat itself. Well Landon was so happy and I can not wait till we get the proofs back! They are going to be soooooo good!

On another note....Please pray for Payton and Nikki...Payton is going into surgery tomorrow to have a trach placed and they are also going to be reattaching her retina. It is going to be a busy day for her. Pray for the Drs. who will be doing the surgery and pray for Payton that her body will be strong and that Nikki and her family will also be given strength during this time as well.

1 comment:

Yours Mine And Ours! said...

I know exactly how you feel. People are always saying things like I couldn't handle that or how do you do it. It is our norm I tell them. I wouldn't have it anyother way because the other way is to not have him at all. We have been so close so many times that dealing with o2, meds,treatments, Drs visits and everything else is easy. God bless you and little man!