Monday, February 16, 2009

Busy Week

There are so many things going in this week that are both exciting and scary all at the same time. For starters Landon has his 6mon pictures at MacBrown on Wednesday. I am so excited about this because Landon has the cutest little dimples when smiling and I can't wait to see how these turn out. I also hope this is a much better experience than the last. The day we had our 3mon pictures was also the day that we were put back into Vanderbilt with whopping cough. I do have to say that I think this time it is going to go much smoother and we wont have any road blocks. Then on Thursday I will be going to Murfreesboro to have a biopsy done due to cancerous cells being found again on my cervix. If you all remember a few years ago I had surgery to removed part of my cervix due to the cancer cells found. I am hoping that once again it will be nothing and that can either do the surgery again or it will be nothing. It just seems like its a never ending challenge in my life. I just wish that I could go one year without having something test me. On another note Jonathan and I have decided that when we get our income tax money, we are going to let Landon stay the night with the grandparents and we are going to go stay somewhere in Nashville. I am excited about this because it meants SHOPPING!!!!! Landon is outgrowing all his clothes so fast so most of it will probably be for him. Other than that, Landon is doing great, still has that horrible whooping cough cough....They told us its called the 100day cough so we are drawing in on that soon. Jonathan will be home tomorrow night for most of the week. He is going with us for pics and will be driving me to have my biopsy done. I am excited about him being home,because it means Mommy gets to sleep and Daddy gets to get up in the middle of the night! Wahoo.


The Snyder's said...

WOW.. You do have a busy week!! I pray that all goes well and you all stay healthy..
You and jonathan so deserve a night away.. I am excited about this for you guys..
God Bless and keep us posted as I am praying for you..

Yours Mine And Ours! said...

I didn't know you had a blogger account. Mine is the leightonfamilynews. I hope all goes well at the Dr.

MrsHonea said...

I didn't think you guys were supposed to leave the house. Has that changed? I guess it has, since I saw that you took Landon to the hospital and now he's getting to go take pictures. That's great. Hope his whooping cough gets better soon.