Monday, February 23, 2009

Things that make you go hmmm...

I'm laying in here in bed when I really should be going to sleep, but sleep doesnt come easy for me at night just simply because I lay here and try to make every sound possible freak me out. But as I am sitting here I have been thinking about what someone said to me the other day at Wal-Mart. I was asked "How do you do it with a sick child". My answer to them was...I have always wanted to be a mother and God knew that I would be able to handle it otherwise he wouldn't have made me a mother. Having a sick child is no different than any other child, you still care for them the same way you would any other, you just get to care and love on them just alittle bit more. Having a child in the home with medical conditions does have its moments but our children still smile, babble, laugh and steal our hearts just like the next. Landon has given me more strength that days and days of working out at a gym could ever have given me. When he smiles that beautiful toothless smile I know just how close I came to never getting to see that smile and it just makes me fall even more in love with him. Landon is pretty in love with his momma too!!!! Just ask anyone in the family! Ok so enough about that....

We went today to get our montly synagis shot and as Aunt LuLu calls him....Our little Piggly Wiggly weighed 15lbs 8.5oz. It's hard to believe he is already 6months and weighing that much. If his cousin JD doesn't get on the ball Landon is going to pass him in the weight department. Landon is already wearing his clothes that JD wears now! Our 6month pictures couldn't have went any better. If you remember when we went for our 3mon pictures, Landon was put in Vandy the same day so I was nervous going in hopes that history did not repeat itself. Well Landon was so happy and I can not wait till we get the proofs back! They are going to be soooooo good!

On another note....Please pray for Payton and Nikki...Payton is going into surgery tomorrow to have a trach placed and they are also going to be reattaching her retina. It is going to be a busy day for her. Pray for the Drs. who will be doing the surgery and pray for Payton that her body will be strong and that Nikki and her family will also be given strength during this time as well.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Busy Week

There are so many things going in this week that are both exciting and scary all at the same time. For starters Landon has his 6mon pictures at MacBrown on Wednesday. I am so excited about this because Landon has the cutest little dimples when smiling and I can't wait to see how these turn out. I also hope this is a much better experience than the last. The day we had our 3mon pictures was also the day that we were put back into Vanderbilt with whopping cough. I do have to say that I think this time it is going to go much smoother and we wont have any road blocks. Then on Thursday I will be going to Murfreesboro to have a biopsy done due to cancerous cells being found again on my cervix. If you all remember a few years ago I had surgery to removed part of my cervix due to the cancer cells found. I am hoping that once again it will be nothing and that can either do the surgery again or it will be nothing. It just seems like its a never ending challenge in my life. I just wish that I could go one year without having something test me. On another note Jonathan and I have decided that when we get our income tax money, we are going to let Landon stay the night with the grandparents and we are going to go stay somewhere in Nashville. I am excited about this because it meants SHOPPING!!!!! Landon is outgrowing all his clothes so fast so most of it will probably be for him. Other than that, Landon is doing great, still has that horrible whooping cough cough....They told us its called the 100day cough so we are drawing in on that soon. Jonathan will be home tomorrow night for most of the week. He is going with us for pics and will be driving me to have my biopsy done. I am excited about him being home,because it means Mommy gets to sleep and Daddy gets to get up in the middle of the night! Wahoo.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Just an everyday Update

This is just an update of how things are going at our household. Landon has decided that sleep is overrated and that he doesn't feel the need to do so at night. Which means no sleep for me,which leaves me to be a DEVIL to all others around. I have tried different techniques such as cereal in his bottle before bed and even tried keeping him awake for longer periods of time to see if that would help. Still he thinks he doesn't need to sleep. The night before last we were up every hour and each time he acted like he was starving and ate a whole 5oz each time. So today we introduced cereal and he ate quite a bit of that. And then later on tonight we are going to try some baby food to see if that helps fill him up. I am hoping that tonight we will have a much better night and Landon will sleep so much better tonight....FYI if anyone has any suggestions that have worked for you with your children please leave me a message I am willing to try anything at this point.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Take 2

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile and I apologize now for the lengthy message ahead....
Well for started Thursday night we decided to give the whole crib thing another try since the land lady finally came and fixed the doors. Well I wasn't as nervous this time as I had been the last just simply because I was getting myself in trouble with him being in the bed with me and knew it was time. The plan is to always have Landon in the bed no later than 9pm so that I can get stuff done around the house that I couldn't during the day. But instead we put him to bed at 9pm and then went to bed ourselves. It had been a long day for all of us with the passing of my grandfather and spending the majority of the day at the funeral home. Well at 2:37am to be exact I woke up in a panic because I had not heard Landon yet and was afraid something was wrong. So I sent Jonathan in because im afraid if I go I will be tempted to bring him back to bed with me and then we would be right back where we started. Jonathan comes back and all is well, Landon is still sound asleep and so we go back to sleep ourselves. Landon ended up sleep for well over another hour and ate just enough to put him back to sleep and was back out. So his first night is a success. Night 2, go to bed at 8:30pm Jonathan and I start some housework, Jonathan does his laundry to go back on the road and we get into bed around 12 thinking that we will have to get up in about an hr or so to feed Landon. Nope Landon slept till 5am this morning! Took a bottle and was back out and sleep till around 8am. So we arenow two nights in and doing very well I might add. If I had know he would sleep this well in his own bed he would have been in there a long time by now. But when I think about it I think most of it is my own selfishness. Not wanting to lose any sleep or having to actually get out of the bed and walk across the house. But at any rate, Landon is now is in his bed and sleeping better than ever. Landon is now weighing 14lbs 3oz and wearing anywhere from 3months to 6 months and even in those some are too short for him. We are just upgraded to size 3 diapers! Thats a big step from the very first diaper we ever wore. We are still on our O2 at night, but are still going during the day without it and so far so good.
I am so proud of him~!~

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Day of Rest

So just as Landon gets the praise from Dr.s that he is doing well and that we are making progress he decides he wants to put me back on the edge by acting ugly. Around 4a this morning Landon's monitors started blaring on both his oxygen Sat's and his heart rate. At first make I thought the monitor was just not picking up and so I just hit the silence button and went back to sleep. Well after the 2min silence it gives you it was still going off so I then woke up enough to see what was going on. Landon was still and sound asleep but I noticed he was breathing really hard so I then realized that everything was picking up like it should. The monitor was saying that Landon's O2 was between 89-92 and his heart rate was between 180-190. Both of which are not good when you have lung issues already and heart issues. I turned Landon's O's up hoping that this would fix both problems but it only fixed his O2 and even then we were hovering the line of where we needed to be. Our heart rate on the other end was still running in the 180's. Keep in mind that on Friday when we went to the Dr. and learned about the heart issue that he has(but we are just finding out) they stressed to us that a high heart rate could mean that he is getting in trouble and if not fixed soon than could lead to much worse things. Well I'm on pins and needles by this time, I can't fall back asleep because he is constantly going off so I try to correct the problem by picking Landon up and holding him. He seemed more comfortable this way but still only dropped his HR to 160-170. I finally decided to call Vandy Pulmonolgy around 9a to have the on-call Dr to see if they felt like I needed to bring Landon in. They informed me to watch him for 24hrs and to keep him on the oxygen for right now (reminder that on Friday we were informed us that we could go during the day without it) and if he still seemed to be having issues in the morning to call them back and they will let the ER know that we were on our way. The Dr. also informed us that this could be Landon's way of telling us he is getting sick so we are to monitor his temp and things for the next 24hours as well. So for right now, I am just hoping that Landon is just having a bad day and just needs a break. Right now we are sating 99 and our HR is 131 and he is asleep. So lets pray and keep our fingers crossed he continues to stay in that general area.