Thursday, February 17, 2011

2011 Happenings

So 2011 started with all us fast asleep in our beds and Teegan decided at 12:30 she was ready to party and needed a bottle. About a month ago Teegan decided she wanted to scare us all by turning blue on two seperate occasions so Dr. Savage advised us that it would probably be best for us to go on to the ER, because a blue baby is just not normal. Well, with Teegan's heart mumur the ER doctor decided it best for us to be transferred to Vanderbilt Childrens. While, im glad that are very thorough...I do believe they went alittle overboard. Teegan's sats were perfect 100% O2 heartrate was fine, no fever xray looked good, we were just turning blue. But in the end they decided to send us Emergency traffic, and if you have ever ridden in the back of an ambulance when traveling at high speeds, you can get rather nauseous rather fast. In the end it just turned out to be severe reflux in which she is vageling down and holding her breath. They also picked up a few apnea spells, but are not very concerned with those. So far we haven't had any other problems with this. Teegan will be 6months old March 2nd and so far she is wearing mostly 6 to 9 month clothes and has her 2 bottom teeth. I can't believe my baby girl is already 6 months old.
Landon, well lets just say im alittle shocked I haven't put him in baby boot camp yet. Landon definately is just like me in every aspect, and well we butt heads so much these days. I actually found him in the toilet last night flooding the bathroom. I feel like im constantly getting onto him for something and all I get out of him, are these horrible tantrums. I've purchased many books on how to calm your childs tantrums, but Im not seeing a very good outcome. Landon is talking more and more these days. His new thing is Go Away and I made a mess! Two phrases you just never like to hear.

Now for some exciting news for me. I had put my application in for Pulaski Biggest Loser and excited to say my application got picked and I start the competition on March 2, 2011. I am beyond excited about this experience and can't wait to show off its results.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Way overdue Post!

This one's for you Lindsey King.....

So it's been over almost a year since I posted last and I can't believe I've fallen this far behind in posting. So much has happened since the last time I posted. One January 14th, 2010 I found out that I was expecting another baby. While I was over the moon excited, I was also scared to death of this situation. As many of you remember I delivered Landon at 28wks and he fought for 3mons to live. Well here we go on our second pregnancy, hoping and praying that we did not go down that road again. Well everything was smooth sailing til 19wks when everything went crashing down. My cervix was already shortening and we were close to losing our baby girl! That following Monday I had a cerclage put in and was on bedrest from then til Teegan Nicole was born. From May to September I stayed at home and traveled back and forth to Maternal Fetal Group every week to make sure my cervix was still holding up. In the meantime, almost every other week I was put in the hospital for contractions and placed on many different types of medications to keep these contractions under control and to keep Teegan cooking. After many many month on bedrest at 37 weeks they finally decided to remove my cerclage and to let Teegan come when she was ready now. I think that week I moved furniture, walked the neighborhood and even mixed up a concontion of castor oil and orange juice to drink. I however was unable to drink the castor oil because it just looked way nasty. September 2nd at 12:00am the contractions started. I tried very hard to get some rest and hope they pass since I did not want to have to wake Landon up. Around 4am I decided that this is the real deal and it was time to call my mom to let her know Teegan was ready to make her entrance into the world. Once we got to the hospital I found out I was dilated to a 3 and completely effaced. By the time I got to hospital I was crying for an epidural. As soon as I got that I was at a 10 and ready to push. Dr. Wynn broke my water at 10:52am. and Teegan was here at 11:00am. She weighed 6lbs 10oz and 19in long. She has a head full of hair and absolutely perfect. And the best part about it, is she was full term and she got to come home with me! Teegan is now 3month old and she a beautiful little girl!

Monday, December 28, 2009

I'm a Slacker!

So its been brought to my attention that i've been slacking in the blogging department! I honestly can't believe its been since Landon's 1st Birthday that I blogged last. Not alot has been going on in the Hul's Household. Jonathan is on the road pretty 3wks at a time, which leaves me running around the house cooking and cleaning and chasing Landon around. He is now 17mons old and is catching up very well for his developmental age. He is not just walking but running...his big thing these days is us chasing him. He will talk you head off! Wonder where he gets that from!!!!!

We have been so blessed this year to have only had one hospital stay and that was less than 24hrs when we got the stomach bug. Other than that, we are still doing breathing treatments daily and have an appointment scheduled with GI on Jan 26th to see why our reflux has started acting up again. We cannot wait to see what 2010 holds in store for our family!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Birthday Party!

So sorry for it being almost a month since LBH's Birthday Bash! Lots has happened since then, and I am just now getting to where I can get things done.

Landon had an awesome birthday and got ton's of clothes and toys! Looks like we will be set on both toys and clothes for awhile. By the time it came for him to open his gifts he was so exhausted and didn't want to really have anything to do with it. But as soon as you put food in front of him he forgot all about that.

We went for our one year well visit and drum roll please.......We are a whopping 24lbs 29ins long! We are in 18-24 mon clothing and wearing a size 6 shoe!!!! Where did my baby go? We are not sitting unassisted and slowly starting to figure out the whole crawling thing. TEIS has also up'd out schedule from twice a month to once a week so hopefully soon we will start seeing alot more improvement in some areas. Landon also now thinks that he can feed himself at all times, which makes for a big mess!

Monday, August 17, 2009

My heart is breaking

So many people have been praying for the last year for Princess Payton to get to go home KY. She may have not gotten to go home with her mom, but she did go home to be with our Lord. I know it doesn't make it any easier but I know she is in a much better place, watching over all of us now. I had gotten to know Nikki while Landon was in Centennial and become instant friends. When I got the news this morning, it was the most devasting news. Payton was to come home today to celebrate her 1st birthday! This was not how it was supposed to happen! I still can't believe she's gone. Please hold tightly to your children. I know that sometimes being a parent can be difficult and especially when your little one doesn't feel good or is ill, but we at least still have them to hold and to love and we should never take that for granted.

Dear Lord, please take care of Nikki during this time. Hold her closely to you and give her peace during this time.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Big Day is Close!

So its hard to believe that in just 4 days my little sweet baby boy will be 1! It just seems like yesterday I was doing everything I could to keep him in just alittle longer and praying for just one more day. I also think about everything that Landon has been through and just can't believe how it doesn't seem like it every happened. We are planning such a massive Birthday Party for this Saturday which is his actually birthday so we are looking forward to Sat.

Landon's having a horse themed party that is going to be the talk of the neighborhood im afraid. There were close to 150 ppl invited and while I know most of them won't show, just the thought of that number makes me laugh now. We are also going Friday for our 1year pictures with MacBrown. I am so excited about these because I know he is going to be so cute now that we are where we can do more poses. It used to be that they could only sit him propped up because he couldn't on his own. We are also going to do some new family pictures in one of the outdoor settings. I will be sure to post an updated blog after Saturday with pictures and the excitement that went on during the day.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Work Update

So we are closing in on the 2nd month of my new job and while I can say I love being back at work. I do still hate leaving Landon everyday from 7:30 to 5:00 everyday. Thankfully if something evercomes up and I'm needing to take him with me, work is pretty cool about me taking him there. We are quickly approaching our 1st Birthday in just 3 short weeks and I just can't believe that its already been a year. I am amazed at how well he is doing after everything that his sweet little boy has went through the past year. He is slowly starting to catch back up physcially and developmentally. We are now rolling all over the place and starting to pull up on things as well. He jabbers non-stop and I can't wait to figure out what he is really saying. We are hurriedly planning his birthday party and I can't wait because it is going to be so much fun!.

We are also currently planning the 1st Annual Ronald McDonald House Dinner. This year we are fixing lasagna, bread, salad, drinks and I plan on having Birthday Cake for dessert. We are getting excited about this event since the Ronald McDonald House was our home away from home on two seperate occasions.

As for me, I had surgery today to remove some cancerous cells from my cervix. I should know sometime next week if they got it all and if we will need to go any further with treatment. I am praying that they got it completely and no other treatment will be needed. As for now I will try to get too behind on blogging.